Thursday, July 7, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11

Growth is typically accompanied by a certain amount of discomfort.

When we are kids and our physical body's grow – there is often discomfort, and sometimes even pain as our body makes the transition from adolescents into maturity. A few summers ago my son went through some awful growing pains. His legs would ache so badly that we would have to get out the Tylenol and I would sit and massage his legs to help ease the pain.

Our physical bodies go through discomfort as we grow because it is necessary as our bodies develop. Our body stretches and grows as we transition from childhood to physical maturity. It should not surprise us then when we experience discomfort or “growing pains” as part of our spiritual development.

There are times as we grow spiritually, when we may go through the sun-scorched land, the time of discomfort or difficulty. But God has promised that He will always (not sometimes), ALWAYS guide us and strengthen us. What is the result? He will strengthen our frame and we will be like a well-watered garden – a spring whose waters never fail! We will have a renewed and deeper faith that will not only strengthen us, but will enable us to become an encouragement and strength to others.

This verse speaks to me about growth and God's faithfulness to us during times of growth. He will provide all that we need as we grow and strive to become spiritually mature.


Mateen said...

Amen! Great comparison and thoughts on growth. Do you ever wonder how those of us who did not grow perfectly from a body standpoint still managed to grow up? Might be something to consider for your next blog!
Anyway, the analogy was an apt and good one. Keep this up! Cory

Debbie said...

I knew when you did this, it would be wonderful!! I can't wait to hear your thoughts and peek into your heart, as you share your wisdom with us.
Great great job my friend!!

Love ya,

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see what you're going to do and where God will lead you! love you lots!